Summary of School Improvement Plan
Every school in the Durham District School Board is required to have a School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being.
This Plan is to provide the staff and leaders in the building direction for the school year. It includes steps the school will take to continuously improve the educational experience for the students in the building.
Our School Improvement Plan is created each year based upon an analysis of our student achievement data and data collected at the school level. This Plan is based upon the strengths and needs of the school and aligns with the Durham District School Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being.
da Vinci Public School School Improvement Plan
Monitoring Students Leads To Greater Success
Each year our school works collaboratively to determine what goals are needed to improve the learning for our students. As part of the school improvement cycle, we will implement the following steps to continue to improve student achievement and close the gap:
- The da Vinci Lead Team, and our division collaborative inquiry teams (BCI’s) will closely analyze our school data, looking at the specific details of achievement and areas of need.
- We will examine the percentage of all students at or above, approaching and below the provincial standard.
- Our Primary, Junior and Intermediate BCI’s will look at the specific expectations that were challenging for students and then align appropriate instructional strategies, resources and professional development to assist staff.
- The staff will examine the data in terms of Da Vinci P.S. and Board results. We will look at the number of students who scored below level 3 and determine what the next steps will be to increase their achievement levels. Targeted students will be determined and these students will be given additional support and will be closely monitored as the year proceeds